Odd Translation Job (2): Fishy Trilingualism!
Thank goodness trilingual jobs rarely arrived. The following is a tour guide I did for what is probably Japan’s most...
Multilingual E-Learning: Proposal For an Application
This must have been the mid to late 2000s. I had begun my second Masters. It wasn’t described as an...
Odd Translation Job: What’s On The Menu?
It’s odd, isn’t it, the jobs you can find yourself doing. This was a restaurant menu that came from someone...
和漢ローカライゼーション (On Japanese-Chinese Localization)
The following is a summary of notes I took on a series of presentations that I attended during a localization...
PR and Marketing (5): Equals?
To me, this is the strangest, most illogical of the five models. The model describes the merging of Public Relations...
PR and Marketing (4): D-Pub
Companies who put Marketing inside (and by implication under the control of) Public Relations were once unusual. This is the...
PR and Marketing: Convergence?
Kotler and Mindak (1978 – take note of that date) recognised five main models that describe how companies operate their...
PR and Marketing (3): C-Mark
In communications terms, companies operating this model prioritize marketing or consider marketing to be the natural and functionally optimal environment...
PR and Marketing (2): Bits Overlapping
In the second model, the two are still mostly separate in functional terms. However, a small proportion of the workload...