Constructivism and ICTs
Whereas behaviourism emphasises stimulus-response, programmed learning sequences, purposefully limited cognitive input and output, and technologies that function according to the...
Behaviourism and ICTs
Pavlovian classical conditioning concerns the matching of stimulus to involuntary effects. After experiencing a routine of meals heralded by the...
This is another learning theory devised to address post-Web 2.0 online learning uniquely. Collaborativism is inductive. In contrast to connectivism,...
Objectivizing Reflective Practice: A Qualitative Method (3)
The following table would allow the reflective practitioner to assemble his/her qualitative feedback data for analysis.
Objectivizing Reflective Practice: A Quantitative Method
What the qualitative approach offers is depth and richness in information, but the value of this can be offset by...
Objectivizing Reflective Practice: Critiquing the Qualitative Method
The method described in steps 1 and 2 is qualitative. It attempts to do no more than elicit opinion regarding...
Objectivizing Reflective Practice: A Qualitative Method (2)
The teacher then obtains student feedback regarding his performance. Ideally, multiple students provide feedback.
Objectivizing Reflective Practice: A Qualitative Method (1)
This is a comparative and contrastive approach that builds triangulation not possible when the reflective practice is the subjective composition...
Objectivity in Reflective Practice
In previous posts, I have argued that reflective practice, if it is to remain a core activity in the development...