Behaviourism is Back, but Rebranded
Been reading BF Skinner. I’ve been interested in this guy’s methods ever since my teens, when I bought a book...
Odd Translation Job (2): Fishy Trilingualism!
Thank goodness trilingual jobs rarely arrived. The following is a tour guide I did for what is probably Japan’s most...
Odd Translation Job: What’s On The Menu?
It’s odd, isn’t it, the jobs you can find yourself doing. This was a restaurant menu that came from someone...
和漢ローカライゼーション (On Japanese-Chinese Localization)
The following is a summary of notes I took on a series of presentations that I attended during a localization...
Common Japanese-English Translation Issues: 3. Counting
Quantification is of extreme importance in the field of technical translation. Numbers, in their many and varied guises, are responsible...
Common Japanese-English Translation Issues: 4. Future Continuation
All the following terms express future continuation, but their differences and degrees of appropriateness pose substantial challenges for technical translators:...