Lean as Risk Management Tool
Defining “Lean” “Lean” or “leanness” is one of a quintet of paradigms that dominate modern organisational management (Naim et al,...
Critiquing Supply Chain Risk Management
The literature of SCRM is coherent in its promulgation of SCM-compliant solutions to risk. Circularity colours the reasoning of SCRM:...
Supply Chain Resilience
Christopher and Peck (2004) maintain that resilience in the SC demands flexibility and agility. SCRES is contingent on efficient transportation...
Supply Chain Vulnerability
To Jüttner and Maklan (2011), SCV is the managerial counterpart of SCRM. Similarly, to Blos et al (2009) and Christopher...
Supply Chain “Risk Management” Vs. “Vulnerability” Vs. “Resilience”
The issues of SC risk compel consideration of the correspondent notions of SC resilience and vulnerability (hereafter SCRES and SCV...
Supply Chain Risk Management
By the 2000s, theorisation of business logistics was largely premised on the SC paradigm. Not surprisingly, the issue of SC...
The Philosophy of Supply Chain Management
SCM reveals its historical and practical proximity with operations management by its borrowing of lean, agile, leagile, and other manufacturing...