Important Supply Chain Management Acronyms (and Concepts)
SC | Supply Chain |
SCM | Supply Chain Management |
SCRM | Supply Chain Risk Management |
SCRES | Supply Chain Resilience |
SCV | Supply Chain Vulnerability |
BOM | Bills of Materials |
BPR | Business Process Reengineering |
CPFR | Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment |
ECR | Efficient Customer Response |
ESI | Early Supplier Integration |
ICT | Information Communication Technologies |
JIT | Just-In-Time |
QR | Quick Response |
MC | Mass Customization |
MRP(2) | Material Requirements Planning |
NVA | Non Value-Added/Adding |
RBV | Resource Based View |
SCOR | Supply Chain |
SMED | Single Minute Exchange Of Dies |
TBC | Time Based Competition |
TCA | Transaction Cost Analysis |
TOC | Theory of Constraints |
TPS | Toyota Production System |
TPM | Total Productive Maintenance |
WWW | World Wide Web |