
Flex – Creativity for Learning

Kenneth Wilkinson (55104450) Flex Portfolio


Flex 1. Delivering Practical Sessions (word count: 970)

This portfolio item is based on a workshop designed to encourage use of practical methods in teaching. In this entry, I combine the “Tell, Show, Do” model with Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle to produce a new theoretical perspective for an innovative approach to achieving the benefits of creative, practical tasks. The issue of triggers and where they could be placed in the Experiential Learning Cycle is discussed. In the Action Plan, several creative tasks are proposed. These take the form of student-created triggers of learning, and more suggestions for the implementation of creative and practical tasks in tutorials.

Flex 2. Reflective Writing (word count: 853)

A reflective writing workshop provided the impetus for this portfolio inclusion. In this workshop, I was reminded of the importance of structure in reflective writing. In one level VI unit that I have taught, the coursework assignment required students to write reflectively about their performance in a competitive group activity designed to reinforce certain aspects of Operations Management theory. Hitherto, this assignment included no suggestions for structuring the reflective component of the assignment. Hereafter, basic instruction in systematic reflective writing will be incorporated. Regarding creativity, in the framing of this or any similar problem-solving activity, the value of creative thinking could be better emphasised. The business case for creative solutions to systems improvement can be persuasively articulated in the argot of the discipline, hence should be. These intentions are communicated in the Action Plan.

Flex 3. Employability Contexts and Practice (word count: 860)

In this last portfolio entry (also based on a workshop), employability skills and qualities as they pertain to Operations Management opportunities receive scrutiny and suggestions for creative applications in teaching. The Action Plan argues for the incorporation of student-formulated, student-performed creative tasks with the objective of testing and reinforcing student knowledge vis-a-vis desirable traits in candidates applying for Operations Management roles. Creativity is also present in the tasking of students to draft a self-development programme.

Total word count: 2683

Word counts do not include references.

The format of all three entries is based on the guidance provided on page 13 of the Flex: Creativity for Learning Unit Handbook. The reflective model of Rolfe et al (2001) has also been used to provide additional structure.

Reflecting the recommendation on page 9 of the Unit Handbook, the content of all three entries is informed by the following policy documents:

MMU Strategy for Learning, Teaching and Assessment (Principles 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.3, 3.2, and 4.3)

UK Professional Standards Framework (Aims 2 and 4; Dimensions A1, A2, A5, and V3)


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