Category F Incoterms: Main Carriage Unpaid
FAS: Free Alongside Ship (followed by the named port of shipment). When this is specified, both parties agree that the...
Category E Incoterms: Departure
EXW: Ex-Works (followed by the named place). When EXW specified, the seller or exporter presents goods on the premises of...
Incoterms for Commercial Transactions
The International Chamber of Commerce created Incoterms to codify and standardise the clarification of cost, risk, and the various obligations...
International Freight Documentation (4): Transportation and Journey Documentation
This collection of documents concerns the transportation element of the goods’ journey. The following documents are required: Carnet This is...
International Freight Documentation (3): Sales
The inclusion of a comprehensive export sales contract reduces time and cost. Such a document will clearly describe the nature...
International Freight Documentation (2): Legislative
Customs regulations protect domestic industry by the levying of import duties on incoming products. Charges are usually imposed on the...
International Freight Documentation (1): Overview
The documentation used in international trade and freight is extensive and complicated. Inexperienced firms can find the process troublesome and...
Capacity (Procurement Authorization)
“Capacity” is the authorisation to make purchase orders/enter into contracts to procure goods and services on behalf of a commercial...
Compliance and Legality
Purchasing contracts usually consist of a statement acknowledging the nature of the order in precise and descriptive terms. Purchase orders...