Smartville: Extras (7)
Set-Up Times and Stock Levels Gearing machines to produce right-hand drive components poses disruption to flow due to switchover times....
Smartville: Extras (6)
Leanness, Stock, and Supplier Strain In the current supply chain management literature, “lean thinking” principles hold that high stock or...
Smartville: Extras (5)
Lead Times and Customizability At full capacity, the MCC plant can complete a Smart Car every 96 seconds, taking less...
Smartville: Extras (4)
Testing and Measuring Quality and Performance Complex, multipart components, such as engines, have a higher probability of failure so must...
Smartville: Extras (3)
Basic Complementarities Afforded by MCC’s Performance of Final AssemblyThe centrality of MCC and the Smartville information system means the manufacturing...
Smartville: Extras (2)
The customer’s order is translated into a production order that draws material and components from suppliers. Assembly and dispatch follow....
Smartville: Extras (1)
The Smart Car Supply Chain: Order and Retail Phase The following diagram outlines the demand side of the Smart Car...
Smartville: Extras (11)
Concerning Postponement and the Balance of Supply and Demand Logistical postponement allows for late stage customization, which is advantageous because...