Important Supply Chain Management Acronyms (and Concepts)
SC Supply Chain SCM Supply Chain Management SCRM Supply Chain Risk Management SCRES Supply Chain Resilience SCV Supply Chain Vulnerability...
Critiquing Collaboration-Based Flexible Tools of Supply Chain Risk Management
In the event of supplier failure, an alternative supplier within the network can assume production. Multiple suppliers are therefore advantageous...
Early Supplier Involvement
Many theorists proclaim that supplier-buyer collaboration, while good, is inferior to ab initio collaboration (co-makership) in product design and supply...
Inventory as Risk Management Tool
Starr and Miller (1962) and Lee et al (1997) claim that inventory acts as a buffer that reduces SC risk....
Mass Customization as Risk Management Tool
Another flexibility tool, Mass customization (hereafter “MC”), introduced by Davis (1989), is the opposite of Fordian production principles. MC is...
Postponement, Another Collaboration-Based Tool of Risk Management
Postponement Postponement predates the SC and SCM paradigm by several decades. The earliest mention appears to be Alderson (1950), followed...
Lean+Agile=”Leagile”, a Collaboration-Based Tool of Risk Management
This is a lean/agile hybrid concept proffered by Naylor et al (1999), Towill and Christopher (2002), and Mason-Jones et al...
Other Agile (Flexible) Methods: QR and ECR
Quick Response (hereafter “QR”) can be traced to Blackburn (1991) and embodies the flexibility principles contained in agile. Fernie (1994)...
Agile as Risk Management Tool
Defining “Agile” “Agile” in manufacturing describes plant responsiveness to market requirements, the ability to produce novel or established goods quickly...