Anti-Positivism: Hermeneutics and Phenomenology
Phenomenology boasts diverse heritage: rationalism was an early contributor. A largely continental movement interpretable as the pre-emptive counterweight of practical...
Proto-Positivists on Society
According to the “mechanistic philosophy” (Ball, 2004 p. 19) of Thomas Hobbes, man is a puppet animated by the impersonal...
A belated (C.19th) philosophical byproduct of the Age of Enlightenment, positivism is attributed chiefly to Comte but is strongly foreshadowed...
Ontology and Epistemology in Research
In Kantian terms, a researcher’s ontology is “nomothetic” if s/he regards the universe as a rule-governed reality that exists independently...
Reasoning my Pilot Research (2)
The Literature: Orthodoxy and Evolution Efficiency boosting methods such as lean, ECR, [1] and QR, [2] along with philosophies of...
Reasoning My Pilot Research (1)
Provisionally entitled “Guanxi as Supply Chain Risk Mitigator”, my initial research investigated the impact of a specific cultural phenomenon on...
The Scope and Converging Influences of Global Supply Chain Risk Management
Depicted here is the zone of influence and convergence envisaged as the theoretical outcome of my PhD research: Global Supply...